Pacificmelody's Blog

I've got the computer keys to the kingdom!

Muse In Distress


sad muse1349492-bigthumbnailMy Muse won’t
Speak to me today ~
She says I’m only
Using her (I know) ~

And when I ask
What I can do
She cries ~ she
Says she needs
To find herself ~

And I resist the urge
To tell her ~ that
I’d like to find her
Just a bit more
Frequently myself ~
(I may be ditzy
But I haven’t lost
My mind) ~

Without success
I’ve Googled and I’ve
Wiki-ed my dilemma ~
So now I’m sending
Out a cry for help ~

What can I do to
Appease my Muse ~
So I can get some
Work done ~

I feel for her but
I’ve a deadline that
Is fast approaching ~
So all suggestions
Will be gratefully
Received ~

Call now the
Lines are open ~

Author: Melody J Haislip

Born in a small, Illinois log cabin . . . No, that won’t work. The pampered only child of incredibly wealthy parents . . . No, that won’t fly either. Raised by French nuns after her aristocratic parents were beheaded . . . No, that’s been done! Got it: An East Coast transplant to the Pacific Northwest, this notoriously late bloomer began her new life with a new career as a writer and blogger. She has taken to both the new location and the career move like a duck to water. Writing is a new adventure, and our intrepid risk-taker is diving in, feeling right at home and making new friends. Reached for comment, she replied, “Okay, I wrote my bio, now may I Please go out and play?” We expect great, or perhaps merely more coherent, things from this writer. (Okay, that’s a wrap. What a wacko!)

7 thoughts on “Muse In Distress

  1. This was terrific, Melody–I can actually see you saying these words.



  2. I have a friend who says “I have writers block” and has been saying it for a long while. I think the relationship with our muse is unpredictable and it’s really necessary to throw out something you may not be happy with, but it is what it is.

    You wrote this, right? I’ve written many things that I think really are going nowhere and wind up somewhere. Like this piece did.

    All IMHO of course! Thanks for reading my thing. You want to do one? 🙂


    • Actually, Pete, I wrote this on the bus on the way to Whole Foods. I always carry paper and pen, because riding on a bus or train seems to stimulate my Muse. The first line came into my head and the rest followed along. I believe she wanted Her message heard this time rather than mine.

      As for your question, what are the guidelines? Sorry to be so cliched, but I’ve never thought much about my “process”. I still feel heartily pretentious saying I’m a writer (la di da). 🙂


      • Scribbler. 🙂 Look at the 4 questions and answer them in a blog post, along with 3 other bloggers you’d like to participate. As I’ve said it’s been a terrific exercise anyway. I’m learning a lot here.


  3. How refreshingly modern, and the photograph is so pretty. Very clever of you …and I know she pleads that you misuse her … but a Muse needs to be needed. Tell her so. She’ll understand.


    • Theresa, that’s a very good idea – after she calms down. Isn’t the picture perfect? Sometimes it takes longer to find the pic than to write the poem! Glad you approve! 🙂


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