Pacificmelody's Blog

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An Electrifying Experience

slide_4406_64270_large.jpg Hiroshi Sugimoto courtesy Fraenkel Gallery San Francisco

This photo invokes images of such freedom, abandon, passion and joy! It radiates exaltation in the pure state of being. This is one of a series of studies of lightning, and in some of them the tone is one of darkness, relieved but not brightened by, more tentative spears of light. The one that graces this article makes me think of a flower, transparent and intricate, offering its beauty and mystery with the innocence of an angel. And there is one that looks like a fairy, summoning a star. What must it be like to stand in the heart of the flame and embrace the impossible? See what dreams have been sparked, merely gazing into these portraits of light?

It reminds me that many years ago I was discussing electricity with a friend, a very intelligent man whose intellect I respected. He told me then that even the best of scientists have only a limited knowledge of how electricity works. Much is known of its properties and their effects, but as far as a nuts-and-bolts understanding of the way it actually works, they’re pretty much still in the dark, as it were.

Another paradox! Or is it merely a riddle? How can creatures made up of tiny whirling bits of light ever be in the dark? So many tantalizing questions, so many answers there for the searching out. In defense of the computer, at least no one need be bored any more, when whole new worlds beckon from every portal. That’s where I found these lovely photos (, which I am pleased to share with you.

(This article was originally published on 1/30/2010.)


Sing Freedom

645185-bigthumbnail.jpg songbirdPoor little songbird ~
Look what they’ve
Done to you ~
Captured and
Caged you and
Broken your heart ~

Quickly now
I’m here to save you ~
Free you and
Fly with you
Into the night ~

Then I shall punish
Those who enslaved you ~
They shall know torment
Until they repent ~

This world was yours
Long ere it was ours ~
And in the end it
May be yours again ~

If that is so ~
I pray that you
Grant us more mercy ~
Than we showed
To you ~

So soar little songbird
Into the boundless sky ~
And sing your joyous
Freedom song again ~

(I have just learned of Robin Williams death, and I am devastated. Fly free, Robin, I dedicate this to you. You will be sorely missed.)