Pacificmelody's Blog

I've got the computer keys to the kingdom!



You see me and you smile
And just for one brief moment
It feels the same ~ until
I see the faint touch of
Confusion begin to form
Behind your lovely eyes

It’s clear you know me though
You can’t remember how and
I trap the tears inside my heart
But as I stand here hugging
You hello I realize I’m also
Kissing you goodbye

And I am angry on your behalf
And I am frightened too
And I am lost without you
We’ve been close friends for
All these years ~ so many
Secrets ~ so much love and trust

Your body has betrayed you
Blocking the signals from
Reaching your brain and making
You search for the words
You want to say ~ you who were
Always so quick with your tongue

And I am helpless before the
Enemy attacking you from within
But this is only the beginning
I have just begun to fight and
I have powerful allies waiting
To join me in this battle